domingo, 12 de julio de 2020

Postgraduate studies


I haven’t spent much time thinking about what I want to study after finishing my actual major (anthropology). I only know that I would like to go deeper into multidisciplinary studies! You know, like expanding my horizons with theories and ideas from different sciences that I can reach in Chile. Also, I would prefer to “continue” studying on my own. Being an autodidact. So, I could manage my time better and not worry about the stress of constant evaluations of the educational system. Like, I would love to be free and learn in a calm way without restrictive and super normative pressures.

I have a huge interest in art, I would love to specialize myself in something related with the history of art -from multiple perspectives- and the techniques of art! like, learn to paint and things like that. Enter to an academy or some part-time course of art. Although this is a dream of my own and I could say is a hobby rather than a career. But art is so important for humans! And it can be studied and created from so many perspectives. Art concentrates a lot of cultural, aesthetic and historical meanings.

Other thing I have interest on are gender studies. I would like to do a master in gender studies. I mean, those studies are fundamental to understand and criticize social and cultural conceptions of our world, from an anthropological perspective. Is a topic that affects a large part of the population!
I like to keep in mind that I still have a lot of time to think about the future haha

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